Expressing Energy In Stressful Times - Are You Hearing Your Human Chakras?

Hello Beautiful Creative Souls,

When I asked the Muse for inspiration the Angels and Higher Beings reinforced the importance of this week’s message. Self-care is not selfish, it’s supportive of all that we want to be, do, and create.

How are you expressing your energy? At any given moment we are presented with opportunities that can awaken us to how we are showing up for people and situations in our lives. Are we even aware of the energy we are broadcasting or just coasting on auto-pilot, a walking zombie? There's no judgment here, only curiosity. Both scenarios can serve our highest good.

And in moments where a strong tornado of a reaction flies out of us, then what emotions have we been stuffing into our “pockets” like old dirty Kleenex tissues? Stuck, stuffed emotions are just energy that wants to go somewhere, to express itself. Even if you are awakening to your expanded self and on a self-growth journey, from time to time you will find that crumpled ball of tissue lurking in your pants pocket or stuffed into some other interesting hiding spot that “got away”, that you conveniently “forgot” about until it unpleasantly reappears.

What we feel, heals! So it’s just a reminder to release those used tissues along with those felt emotional energies as they appear along the way in a conscious way. After they’ve wiped a tear or blown a nose, rather than keeping them jammed inside a jacket, instead of stockpiling them, toss ‘em and travel lighter.

So why do we stuff emotional energy? Life gets stressful. There’s no time to deal with emotions. They will just get in the way. They are not as important as thoughts And on and on the reasons pile up. As spirits having a human experience on earth, we are here to experience a wide variety of energies.

And as humans we like to label things, “joy”, “sadness”, and categorize those labels as “good”, “bad” energies because living in 3D is all about living in a world with polarities. Yes, there are the energies that we prefer to experience like joy, happiness, bliss, and peace. Why because they make us feel “good”! So we would rather avoid the “bad” stuff. Just because we choose to not look at it, doesn’t mean it walked away. It’s still there!

So those lingering energies festering in all of us are part of the human experience. We would rather swap them out like a tired old sandwich in a school lunchroom; those energies such as anger, jealousy, frustration, sadness, grief, and anxiety. Those are the ones that still lurk in the darkest recesses of us, like the back corner of a dingy school locker in June, and when they grow legs, an’ they get moving. It’s when you least expect them to. And that’s when they show up in all their messy glory, and there’s a food fight.

You see everything is energy. Even our physical body appears as it does because it’s held in place by an invisible field of energy that informs the state of our physical body. If there are tears or holes in that field then all kinds of energies can slide in and send our body, emotions, and thoughts into confusion creating significant wobbles in our world.

So this is where our first three chakras come in! I like to call them the “human” chakras. When we first become aware that they exist we experience them as our “survival” chakras. For example, when we want to gain access to these energetic centers or rooms we may notice the door is locked. If we are able to open the door to them we may notice everything seems backwards and upside down or is spinning forwards like an out of control cyclone from an open window. It may even feel vacant with not much happening in there.

Have you every walked into a room and noticed the energy of it? Was it welcoming or off-putting? Most of us can relate to a time where our instincts kicked in before our logical brain could make sense of it and we just decided to leave, noticing we felt better when we did. Well, you are a sensing being! And your chakras are like big sensors that help you convert subtle information in your environment into states of being, emotional energies, thoughts, decisions, and actions.

And here’s where it gets interesting and a little trick-ee for a lot of us! When your chakras are balanced you can receive subtle information that keeps you in a communicative, creative, uplifted flow that helps you to align with your highest good.

However, when these energy centers are imbalanced it is hard for subtle information from your environment to be received without being distorted, fragmented, or simply blocked altogether. In other words, it can feel like your intuition is “broken”. It’s not.

It’s just any interference energy lurking deep within your subconscious starts messin’ with the motherboard of your computer and allowing in emotional, mental, and spiritual bugs and viruses into your computer.

So you need to de-bug it and run some maintenance scans to clean up the gunk so everything can run smoothly again. And this is where your heart comes in! Energy healing supports you to remove all that stands in the way of you and love. And it is in returning to loving ourselves for who we truly are that we begin to re-balance and re-harmonize those centers.

As this happens you transform the subtle stored energetic information from memories, thoughts, emotions by blessing the message from those old energies, and releasing them. In that way we “de-clutter” the chakra room and shift things around in there to make space for new creative possibilities by looking at the room through new and more loving eyes.

So paying attention to your first three, “human chakras” provides the solid foundation for your sky-scraper, your stairway to heaven! When the focus on surviving is all about safety, sex, and power shifts to trust, love, and joy - then you’ve amped up our energy system and you’re ready for thriving!

Wishing You Infinite Creative Blessings & Infinite Creativity!

Love & Light,

Pollyanna Blanco